The Most Misunderstood Salt


Himalayan salt is undoubtedly one of the most colorful, yet misunderstood, salts available. First, the term "Himalayan" is misleading as the best form of this salt is actually found in Pakistan. The truth is that that the salts labeled as "Himalayan" can come from a variety of regions including Utah, Bolivia, Australia, Peru, Poland, Persia and Pakistan.

The people "in the know" understand that the variety from Pakistan is the most valuable and coveted. Why? It's simple. The Pakistani source contains over 80 minerals in addition to salt and provides the most color and taste. The term "pink" does not do justice to this incredible salt. In actuality, the color mixture ranges from pure white to pink, orange, and red giving it a wonderful rainbow effect all in one salt mixture.

Unlike processed and infused salts, the Pakistan based salt color comes entirely from the elements found in nature that are all incorporated from the region naturally. The taste, in addition to the wide range of colors found in a single area, area extremely unique.

Salt comes in many forms from sodium based table salt to magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt). Himalayan salt is most likely the oldest known form of salt as is a halite and probably the earliest known salt to be used as a table salt. Just how long ago this salt has been used is unknown, but it has become prized over the centuries for it's incredible texture, taste, color, and also healing powers.

Himalayan salt may be misnamed, but the qualities pertaining to it's purity and old world goodness prevail to this date.

THE TEXTURE of Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt is not your average table salt in texture. It is much coarser. Is this a problem? No! This product can be used exactly as a coarse salt to brine foods and act as a preservative as well as be put through a salt grinder to produce a more even texture without losing the incredible color variations. The coarse salt is perfect as a brine as well as for use directly at the table and also as a relieving hot bath soak.

THE COLOR of Pink Salt

The true beauty of the Himalayan Salt is in the incredible color differentiations within one product. The colors come from the minerals found in the area and the effect is astounding. Imagine having the opportunity to astounding your friends with salt that ranges from white to pink to orange to red! It makes every dish vastly different than any other they've ever seen.

How do these colors come into play? That's easy. Imagine putting together the Great Salt Lake together with the orange and purple rock formations of Utah and adding additional colors. The effect is astounding and so unusual!


Himalayan salt is extremely versatile and can not only be a unique treat on foods, but can be used as a healthy bath additive. Here some suggestions:


Himalayan salt makes a great foil for fish, potatoes, and veggie combos and adds a seriously different touch to presentation. In addition to the color, the unique taste coming from over 80 minerals gives it guests a truly different experience.


Imagine putting the a meal that's pretty much ordinary and then sprinkling some Himalayan Salt on top. How impressive does this make an otherwise redundant dinner? It changes everything. Once what was something just common-day becomes something memorable. Not only will the taste resound in minds of your guests, but the impressive rainbow of colors will remain in their minds forever.


The therapeutic use of all salts is well known. But what if you use Himalayan Salts in a hot soak bath? The 80+ minerals will be so beneficial you will not believe the results. Salts are known for their healing properties as well as providing an overall feeling of well-being. Salt relieves stress and makes you feel better. It just does. It's a magical remedy for many things.

The minerals that are part of the Himalayan salt increase this to to max. You can soak in it, use it as a facial, or just enjoy it as a comforting compress.

Himalayan salt is a true gift from nature. Hope you try it!

What is Kosher Salt?

There are many similarities and only a few differences between table salt and kosher salt. Kosher salt is not a salt used by Jewish people that must keep kosher. Kosher salt is used to cure the meat, this is what makes the meat kosher.

Table salt is made up of many fine particles and shakes well from an ordinary salt shaker. Kosher salt has larger grains that chefs prefer cooking with. The larger grains makes it easier to measure "a pinch of salt".

Both table salt and kosher salt taste alike. Table salt tastes metallic because of the iodine added to it. Potassium iodine, sodium iodine and sodium iodate may also be added to table salt. An anti-caking agent is usually added to table salt and may be added to some kosher salts.
Because kosher salt does not contain any additives it tastes lighter and less salty than table salt.

There is no difference in nutritional value between the two types of salts. Our body needs salt to function, and salt in any variety works well for that purpose. Salt is used in many dishes. Imagine the flavor of food without salt. How bland would it taste? Most cooks use table salt for every day cooking, and all cooks and chefs use table salt for baking - since kosher salt does not absorb properly.

Some chefs prefer kosher salt for the milder flavor. Kosher salt is ideal for curing meats because of the larger crystal size that absorbs more moisture than table salt. Some people even love to use kosher salt on the rim of margarita glasses.

It is all right to use kosher salt in cooking. However, remember that kosher salt has larger grains that absorb more liquid than the small grained table salt. Always add more liquid to accommodate the kosher salt.

Table Salt Versus The Natural Sea Salt - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Table Salt Versus The Natural Sea Salt - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 
Overview: You should be aware that salt is produced by the evaporation of seawater. We can use it for cooking and cosmetics. It is also at times referred to as solar salt or bay salt. Similar to mineral salt the making of sea salt has been taking place since prehistoric times. There are many cooks who are of the opinion that sea salt tastes better than the salt from mines.
History: You will be able to find mention of sea salt in the Vinaya Pitaka. Vinaya Pitaka is considered to be a Buddhist manuscript. It was written in the mid-5th century BC. The main method of producing sea salt is by evaporating the water from the sea brine. In those countries where this warm and dry climate such a process can be undertaken with the help of solar energy .Many countries are also making use of fuel sources. The modern sea salt which we get today is found entirely in the Mediterranean countries and other warm, dry climates.
Composition: On analyzing the components of sea salt, you will find that it is made up of 98% sodium chloride. On comparing it with table salt it has 99.9% purity. The remaining 2% consist of other minerals. These are iron, magnesium, sulfur, or iodine. Contradictory to table salt, which can be got from land-based sources whereas natural sea salt will not consist of added potassium iodide or anti-caking ingredients?
Artificial sea salt: You will also be able to come across many different types of artificial sea salts. These can be used for various applications including research testing. Artificial sea salts are able to meet the ASTM standard for the preparation of artificial seawater.
Difference between sea salt and table salt: There is a great deal of difference between sea salt and table salt:
You will be able to get sea salt directly by evaporating seawater. Sea salt is also not processed meaning that it undergoes the leas to processing. This is why sea salt is able to retain trace levels of important minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium as well as many other nutrients.
On the other hand table salt is mined from the salt deposits. It is then processed to accord it with a fine texture so that mixes easily so that it can be used in recipes.
Different types of salts
Fleur de Sel: We can use Fleur de Sel salt for a special-occasion table salt. Just add a touch of this salt to be pinched. Later on you can sprinkle it over food just before eating. Since it is delicately flavored, it is sable to add a touch of salt to freshly sliced melon or tomato.
Crystalline Sea Salt: This salt can be used for giving a spicy flavor to many of the just-cooked foods. These crystals will augment anything.
Kosher Salt: You can use this type of salt for cooking. This is because Kosher salt is able to dissolve faster. Moreover its flavor is able to vanish quickly. This is why the Chefs recommend that you simply toss it on everything from pork roast to popcorn.
Pickling Salt: We can use pickling salt for brining sauerkraut and pickles. You will also be able to brine a turkey with it. However, you should take caution since pickling salt is highly concentrated when compared to the more commonly used kosher salt. This is why you should use less.
Rock Salt: Rock salt can be used for ice-cream making and deicing. It can also be paired with an ice in old-fashioned hand-cranked ice cream makers in order to control the temperature. It can also be used to deice your driveway and sidewalks in the winter season.
Benefits of Sea Salt for Health:
  • Sea salt is considered to be a much better option as a healthier alternative when compared with the regular iodized salt. Here’s how:
  • It is also able to strengthen our immune system to a great extent. When our immunity is boosted, your body is able to withstand the various autoimmune disorders such as fever, flu, allergies, cold etc.
  • As sea salt is a natural salt which has not undergone any sort of processing therefore the mineral content of the substance is able to stay intact. This is because no heat is applied. Also no sort of a damaging artificial element is mixed into it. This is why its alkalizing effect helps to balance the acid levels in our body. It will at the same time minimize the grave risks of fatal diseases.
  • You will also find that sea salt has an important role to play on your cardiovascular system. A study has shown that when we regularly intake sea salt diffused in water, it will be able to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in our body to a large extent. Unlike our regular salt we can use sea salt for maintaining our blood pressure and also in normalizing irregular heartbeat. Simply put with sea salt we can avert lots of life-threatening diseases such as heart block, strokes, heart attack etc. by maintaining the cardiovascular health.
  • It is also possible for us to deal with metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus. This disease is also treated by using sea salt. If you are suffering from diabetes then sea salt will be able to help you minimize the sugar levels in your bloodstream successfully.
Other uses
  • Holds artificial flowers in place: It is with the help of sea salt that you will be able to keep artificial flowers in the arrangement you want.
  • Clean artificial flowers: It is also possible to use sea salt to freshen up artificial flowers quickly irrespective of the fact that they may be original silk ones or the more common variety of nylon.
  • Keeps wicker looking new: It is a known fact that furniture which is made of wicker can yellow with exposure and age to the sun and elements.
  • Ease fireplace cleanup: Before going to sleep, you find that the fire is still burning in the hearth simply douse the flames with salt.
  • Give your brooms a fresh lease of life: If you soak a new straw broom with sea salt, it will last longer.
  • Clean your fish tank: With the help of sea salt, it is possible for you to remove the mineral deposits from the hard water in your fish tank.
  • End the ant parade: If there are ants in your home by sprinkling sea salt across the door frame will prevent the ant from crossing the sea salt barrier.
  • You can make your brass and copper polish shine: It is possible for you to shine you dull looking copper or brass items with the help of sea salt.
  • If you have been stung by a bee then you should immediately wet the sting and cover it with sea salt. In this way your pain will be lessened
  • Deodorize your sneakers: If you have stinky sneakers or canvas shoes then you can kill that odor by sprinkling a little salt in your canvas shoes
Some interesting tips

  • Boiling Water: If you add a pinch of sea salt to water, you water will boil at a higher temperature. In this way it will be able to reduce cooking time.
  • Peeling eggs: If you boil your eggs in water having sea salt it will peel more easily.
  • Poaching eggs: When you poach your eggs with salted sea water, it will help in setting the egg whites.
  • You can also test the freshness of an egg: In order to know the freshness of an egg simply place it in a cup of water and add two table spoons of sea salt. You will see that if the egg is fresh it will sink whereas a rotten egg will float.
  • When you have a sea salt bath will help to open up the pores while providing you with a healthy and youthful glow. They also help to treat certain skin conditions such as psoriasis. Sea salts can also relieve arthritis pain.
  • With the help of sea salts you can effectively clear sinus passageways. They also help to cleanse our lungs of mucous and phlegm.
In the end we can say that it is possible to use sea salt in many different ways. It can be used for making of products such as paper, plastic, polyester, glass, rubber as well as fertilizers right down to, soaps, household bleach detergents and dyes.
So these are the details regarding sea salt.

Himalayan Salt

  Himalayan Salt

Salt is essential for life, it is impossible to live without it.

What is Pink Himalayan Salt? 

Himalayan Salt is a type of whole salt which is very pure. The reason for this is that it has never been exposed to any sort of impurities. It has always been protected by the Himalayans for millions and trillions of years. Himalayan Salt is mined in the Salt Mines of Khewra which is considered to be the world’s second largest salt mine in the world. It is found in Khewra of Jhelum District in Punjab which is in Pakistan. All salt which we consume whether it is a labeled sea salt or table salt will be got from a salted body of water. This can be either a salt-water lake or an ocean. 
History: For times immemorial, once every year in springtime, the Himalayan people transport the salt to the Nepalese valleys for trade. The yak which is the common mode of transportation is laden with bags containing the salt. On arriving at their destination, the salt is then exchanged for cereals. This is because cereal is considered to be their staple diet. It is also because of this reason as to why salt has always been regarded as a precious commodity for mankind. 
Formation: Himalayan salt or HimalaSalt was formed from the ocean. It was formed at a time of great tectonic pressure. This is considered to be an important factor today since even the highest quality of sea salts are made available from the ocean waters. These salts are made up of a lot of harmful pollutants and heavy metals. This is also one of the major reasons as to why Himalayan Salt is different from other types of salt. It is also at times referred to as Himalayan pink salt, pink salt, Himalayan sea salt, Himalayan rock salt and also as Himalayan crystal salt too. Irrespective of its name it is one of the most pure forms of salt.

Mineral composition: The chemical composition of Himalayan salt if considered properly, you will be amazed to find that it is made up of 95–96% sodium chloride, tarnished with polyhalite which is 2–3% and minute quantities of ten other minerals. Himalayan salt is able to get the pink color due to the presence of iron oxide in it.

Why Pink? When it concerns naturally acquired salt, you will not be able to find any other finer specimen than Pink Himalayan Salt. The different varieties of color such as pink, red and white are all indications of this salt having a rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content. You will not come across any other way to get 84 different minerals which are in one way or the other valuable to our body. It is done by including real pink Himalayan salt in your diet.
PinkHimalayanSeaSalt INFO Himalayan Amazon Pink Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt Benefits

Himalayan salt has the following benefits:
  • It contains less sodium per serving: Since Himalayan salt is made up of similar components as that of table salt it has less sodium. The reason for this is that the flakes are able to occupy less room on a teaspoon when compared with that of highly refined grains of table salt.
  • Contains more that 80+ minerals and elements: Himalayan salt is made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38%.of other trace minerals. These other elements consist of Sulphate, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, potassium, borate, bromide, strontium, and fluoride.
  • Since Himalayan salt is made up of these minerals it can:
  • Increases hydration
  • Create an electrolyte balance
  • Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
  • Dissolve and removes the sediments so as eventually remove toxins
  • Helps in the proper metabolism functioning
  • Prevents muscle cramping
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Strengthens bones
  • Prevents goiters
  • Helps the intestines absorb nutrients
  • Improves circulation

 Himalayan salt vs Salt

 Salt which has been extracted in its natural form is referred to as unrefined salt. This is one type of salt which has not been altered by man. This is why it has been rightly said that every salt has not been created equal.

Benefits of Pink Salt

It is rich in minerals and is got from the underground salt deposits from the unpolluted foothills of the Himalayas. For times immemorial it has been considered to be one of the best alternatives for health and it is also now appreciated by cooks of all calibers.
When you drink lots of good quality water, it should be combined with pink salt from the Himalayas. In this way the water is able to provide you with a great alkalizing foundation source for your health at the cellular level.
When you rinse your mouth with salt, it is regarded as a remedy which has been in vogue for several ages for lots of oral issues. On making use of Himalayan Salt for this type of purpose, you will be in a way adding additional necessary minerals for optimal effects. On making use of this natural treatment, it will help to heal the sores and wounds in your mouth. It is also effective as a sort of a disinfectant which can be used for routine preventative oral care. Other health benefits are as follows:
  • Asthma and Sinus Trouble: Those of you who are suffering from Sinus and Asthma can benefit greatly by taking salt internally and also from using a salt inhaler. It’s because salt helps to clear excess mucous and phlegm.
  • Allergies: On dissolving Himalayan salt in warm water it becomes an effective natural antihistamine.
  • Reproductive Health: When you natural salt especially Himalayan salt, it can improve reproductive health in both men and women.
  • Improved sleep: By maintaining a steady balance between the trace minerals in your body, you will get the much needed support for the hormone processes. It also aids in improving your sleep quality and duration.
  • Cellulite: With proper intake of regular salt the formation of cellulite can be lessened.
  • Muscle Cramps/Tension: Due to the presence of trace minerals and pH in real salt, it helps to alleviate muscle cramps.
  • Cell Communication: Its pH and ion concentration help improve chemical communication between cells.
  • Nerve function: Since Himalayan salt consists of electrical properties; it helps to support the proper nerve function and communication throughout the body.
  • Digestive Health: On consuming Himalayan salt with water it can to optimize the environment in the digestive system and increase stomach acid. This process will make it helpful in treating heartburn, digestive disorders and other digestive problems.
How To Consume Enough Salt: 
If you are the type who is not used to eating enough salt, there are other ways through which you increase your intake. On drinking 1/2 tsp or even 1 tsp of quality salt in a quart of water daily, it will help to raise your electrolyte and trace mineral levels.

Other uses:

Pink salt is considered to contain unique, air purifying abilities. This is why the Europeans have long believed in the usefulness of Rock Salt Lamps while going about with their treatment of a variety of illnesses including. These lamps are also particularly helpful as desk lamps and night lights.
Asides from ionization, Salt which is illuminated is able to give us a pleasant, relaxing glow. There are lots of Reiki and yoga practitioners are now using Himalayan Salt Lamps in their studios. This is able to promote tranquility, peace and general well-being. A very important discovery of our times is that of the Himalayan Salt Crystals.
Neti Pot with Himalayan Salt: By making use of warm salt water, you can easily flush out your sinuses.
You can make enchanting candle jars with the Himalayan Pink Salt. When it is made it emits an inviting glow in colors of peach and pink. They even serve as excellent gifts for Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings and even as Anniversary gifts. They can alternatively be used to create an atmosphere which is both warm and festive at Holiday dinner tables.
Now it is also possible for you to create exotic tasting festive drinks which your guests will never forget as you have the gourmet flavor of this amazing Himalayan Culinary Salt.
So all we can say in the end is that whatever you do simply don’t grab that packet or bottle of standard iodized table salt. Always ensure that the salt which you have selected is unprocessed, and sprinkle some good salt on your food! 
So have you checked the salt which you are eating?  

Is it really and truly Himalaya Salt

You can find the best unrefined salts from 

Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt Origins

Himalayan salt originates from a large range located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The salt was formed over 250 million years ago from fossil deposits in ancient seabeds. In addition to sodium chloride (salt), this naturally occurring salt contains many beneficial minerals including magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. These minerals give the salt a pinkish color and, more importantly, provide many positive attributes.

The mining process to extract the salt is done completely by hand. Once extracted, it is also washed by hand and then dried in the sun ensuring the salt remains in its original state – there is no processing of Himalayan salt. Table salt, on the other hand, is processed and usually has iodine as an additive. Part of the processing includes heating table salt to a temperature that can alter the chemical composition.

The many benefits of Himalayan salt come from its purity, geographic location, and availability in its original state. Since there is no mechanical or chemical processing, additives, or dyes, it is considered to be one of the highest grades of natural salt.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Though not medically proven, Himalayan salt has external and internal benefits for the human body. As a bath salt, it can penetrate the outer skin layer and promote healthy cell growth. This has been found to relieve many skin maladies - the aid of the inherent minerals being a factor. Other advantages include relieving sore muscles and removing some of the body’s toxins.

Internally, the salt is believed to improve digestion. Many chefs who have a natural or holistic approach will us this salt. Although it’s contrary to conventional thinking, Himalayan salt can help to regulate the body’s water content. Many have claimed it will improve circulation, balance one’s pH level, and improve respiratory health. Other benefits include maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, reducing sinus issues and increasing bone strength. These attributes come from the naturally occurring composition and the original, unaltered state of the salt itself.

Uses for Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is employed in many ways including:

• Bath Salts – as mentioned above, the properties of the salt have many benefits for the skin and body.

• Cooking Ingredient – due to its natural state, this salt is used by many who prefer to use ingredients that have not been processed.

• Serving Dishes – the salt is formed as decorative serving dishes and marketed by top retailers.

• Cooking Surface – the salt slab can be heated to reach temperatures where fish, meats and eggs can be cooked or seared.

• Preservative – salt is a natural preservative that keeps meat and fish for many months. Many people prefer Himalayan salt as the properties help to maintain the natural flavor of the preserved item.

When mined, Himalayan salt is extracted in large chunks. These masses are sculpted into decorative shapes and then used as either lamp bases or candleholders. Heat from the light bulb or candle releases ions that can neutralize pollutants in the air. People suffering from allergies and asthma may experience fewer symptoms as well.

As a naturally occurring and non-processed compound, the numerous benefits of Himalayan salt are worth exploring.