The Most Misunderstood Salt


Himalayan salt is undoubtedly one of the most colorful, yet misunderstood, salts available. First, the term "Himalayan" is misleading as the best form of this salt is actually found in Pakistan. The truth is that that the salts labeled as "Himalayan" can come from a variety of regions including Utah, Bolivia, Australia, Peru, Poland, Persia and Pakistan.

The people "in the know" understand that the variety from Pakistan is the most valuable and coveted. Why? It's simple. The Pakistani source contains over 80 minerals in addition to salt and provides the most color and taste. The term "pink" does not do justice to this incredible salt. In actuality, the color mixture ranges from pure white to pink, orange, and red giving it a wonderful rainbow effect all in one salt mixture.

Unlike processed and infused salts, the Pakistan based salt color comes entirely from the elements found in nature that are all incorporated from the region naturally. The taste, in addition to the wide range of colors found in a single area, area extremely unique.

Salt comes in many forms from sodium based table salt to magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt). Himalayan salt is most likely the oldest known form of salt as is a halite and probably the earliest known salt to be used as a table salt. Just how long ago this salt has been used is unknown, but it has become prized over the centuries for it's incredible texture, taste, color, and also healing powers.

Himalayan salt may be misnamed, but the qualities pertaining to it's purity and old world goodness prevail to this date.

THE TEXTURE of Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt is not your average table salt in texture. It is much coarser. Is this a problem? No! This product can be used exactly as a coarse salt to brine foods and act as a preservative as well as be put through a salt grinder to produce a more even texture without losing the incredible color variations. The coarse salt is perfect as a brine as well as for use directly at the table and also as a relieving hot bath soak.

THE COLOR of Pink Salt

The true beauty of the Himalayan Salt is in the incredible color differentiations within one product. The colors come from the minerals found in the area and the effect is astounding. Imagine having the opportunity to astounding your friends with salt that ranges from white to pink to orange to red! It makes every dish vastly different than any other they've ever seen.

How do these colors come into play? That's easy. Imagine putting together the Great Salt Lake together with the orange and purple rock formations of Utah and adding additional colors. The effect is astounding and so unusual!


Himalayan salt is extremely versatile and can not only be a unique treat on foods, but can be used as a healthy bath additive. Here some suggestions:


Himalayan salt makes a great foil for fish, potatoes, and veggie combos and adds a seriously different touch to presentation. In addition to the color, the unique taste coming from over 80 minerals gives it guests a truly different experience.


Imagine putting the a meal that's pretty much ordinary and then sprinkling some Himalayan Salt on top. How impressive does this make an otherwise redundant dinner? It changes everything. Once what was something just common-day becomes something memorable. Not only will the taste resound in minds of your guests, but the impressive rainbow of colors will remain in their minds forever.


The therapeutic use of all salts is well known. But what if you use Himalayan Salts in a hot soak bath? The 80+ minerals will be so beneficial you will not believe the results. Salts are known for their healing properties as well as providing an overall feeling of well-being. Salt relieves stress and makes you feel better. It just does. It's a magical remedy for many things.

The minerals that are part of the Himalayan salt increase this to to max. You can soak in it, use it as a facial, or just enjoy it as a comforting compress.

Himalayan salt is a true gift from nature. Hope you try it!